Happy Memorial Day everyone.
Associated Appliance of Stamford, Connecticut is NOT having a Memorial Day Sale.
“Instead we are taking the day to spend with our families and honor our service men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice to defend the American values and way of life,” says David Pia, owner.
Pretend you live in Stamford and were considering an appliance purchase.
Would this ad improve your opinion of Associated Appliance or would you view it as manipulative and go elsewhere?
Comment below to weigh in.
How refreshing!
I would definitely see this ad as NOT selfishly motivated. It would increase my opinion of this company. However, it might also raise a concern that he would fund conservative causes I don’t believe in.
But I’m not his audience. I’m guessing that conservatives in his market, seeing the ad, would be quite impressed. and maybe a little ashamed of their sale-chasing holiday behavior .
Shel Horowitz, founder
Business Ethics Pledge
I’m not sure I’d associate honoring the fallen with conservatism. In fact, personally I’d say their holiday closing was more socially responsible than other stores that would put self-interest first.