Results of the Guinness poll funResponsible Marketing March 17, 2008 Results of the Guinness pollYesterday, I shared a little bit of Guinness's less-than-responsible marketing past with you, and asked,… Patrick Byers 1
Should I drink a Guinness today? brandingResponsible Marketing March 17, 2008 Should I drink a Guinness today?St. Patrick's Day on a Monday? Blasphemy! When in Dublin a few years ago, I… Patrick Byers 5
D2 Man swoops in to save Top-Flite’s sagging brand branding March 14, 2008 D2 Man swoops in to save Top-Flite’s sagging brandThink your company is too conservative to be creative? Think again. Top-Flite's fading brand desperately… Patrick Byers 1
Ad guidelines: Do restrictions hamper creativity? Responsible Marketing March 13, 2008 Ad guidelines: Do restrictions hamper creativity?Would the Internet be a better place if the following types of online ads were… Patrick Byers 0
Gary Vaynerchuk on personal branding brandingpositioning March 12, 2008 Gary Vaynerchuk on personal brandingMy partner, Eric Anderson, has been urging me to profile host Gary Vaynerchuk since… Patrick Byers 2
Responsible or not? Advertising that distracts Responsible Marketing March 11, 2008 Responsible or not? Advertising that distractsAs a marketer, I get frustrated when I see poor targeting, flat creative, lack of… Patrick Byers 2
Personalization v. privacy: Online marketers get too close for comfort Responsible Marketing March 10, 2008 Personalization v. privacy: Online marketers get too close for comfortIt's a sticky subject and it's not going away anytime soon. Some have called personalization… Patrick Byers 1
The responsible way to develop your marketing budget announcementmarketing planningoutsource marketingResponsible Marketing March 7, 2008 The responsible way to develop your marketing budgetIn four conversations last week, I found myself talking about what to think about when… Patrick Byers 2
Personal positioning: Marketing yourself in a brand-oriented world positioningResponsible Marketing March 6, 2008 Personal positioning: Marketing yourself in a brand-oriented worldLast week I spoke at a career fair at the University of Washington. My topic… Patrick Byers 4
Smokes that Al Gore would love? Responsible Marketing March 5, 2008 Smokes that Al Gore would love?Are you a green smoker? Not green from emphysema, but green as in environmentally responsible.… Patrick Byers 4
Must buy Spleen-o-Bits! fun March 5, 2008 Must buy Spleen-o-Bits!IMHO, Doug Savage's Savage Chickens is the best thing since The Far Side and Bloom… Patrick Byers 0
Liberty Filmore, Cart Whisperer Responsible Marketing March 4, 2008 Liberty Filmore, Cart WhispererLiberty Filmore can't understand it: You know, I don't know what it is in a… Patrick Byers 1
Seth Godin on curiousity (and creativity) Responsible Marketing March 3, 2008 Seth Godin on curiousity (and creativity)Boring marketing is irresponsible. Responsible Marketing puts a premium on creativity. And creativity only happens… Patrick Byers 2
Time to get off Information Island Responsible Marketing February 29, 2008 Time to get off Information IslandYou're a marketer, which means you've got information, lots of information: You are managing data… Patrick Byers 1
Not interested in Blow? Try Meth instead. Responsible Marketing February 28, 2008 Not interested in Blow? Try Meth instead.The response to my post regarding Blow Energy Drink yesterday was a hearty two thumbs… Patrick Byers 4
Update: Lipitor ads featuring Jarvik stunt double pulled Responsible Marketing February 27, 2008 Update: Lipitor ads featuring Jarvik stunt double pulledIn Lipitor Pitchman Jarvik Rows Into the Sunset, The Wall Street Journal reports that after… Patrick Byers 3
Responsible or not? Blow Energy Drink Mix Responsible Marketing February 27, 2008 Responsible or not? Blow Energy Drink MixEnergy drink marketing is kinda like soda pop marketing -- on steroids. And taurine. And… Patrick Byers 11
Twitter me this: Is it time to tweet? Responsible Marketing February 26, 2008 Twitter me this: Is it time to tweet?You've surely heard of Twitter by now . . . the "service for friends, family,… Patrick Byers 1
Green & authenticity make a good marriage Responsible Marketing February 25, 2008 Green & authenticity make a good marriage Lewis Green and I had a great talk last week. Lewis is the Chief… Patrick Byers 1
Responsible or not? PETA’s campaign against KFC Responsible Marketing February 22, 2008 Responsible or not? PETA’s campaign against KFCIt really doesn't matter how you feel about PETA, you have to admire their marketing… Patrick Byers 10