You’ve heard of outsourcing your marketing, and think it sounds pretty cool. But you might be wondering if your company is too small to tap into something like outsourced marketing. Or, perhaps even too big.
Let’s first dig into the “too small” notion.
You’ve spent countless hours growing your small business. Let me guess: you probably act as company founder, accountant, sales guru, marketer, copywriter, triple-shot espresso drinker, and on and on. Maybe you lay awake at night wondering how you’re going to get all of it done. There’s just so much.
You could hire a Marketing Director, but where do you even start? And to get the biggest bang for your buck, that Marketing Director should probably have design skills and know Photoshop. And Illustrator. And…WordPress. Maybe some digital marketing knowledge. AND, they have to be really freakin’ proficient at every, single, skillset. If you can find this person for a reasonable cost (or at all), we’d love to meet them!
Or perhaps you just outsource everything yourself. But the multiple vendor invoices, freelancers that suddenly go MIA, conflicting ideas, and lack of communication has you wanting to crawl under a rock. Using a marketing outsourcing firm sounds great, but you don’t think you can afford it.
On the flip side, you may feel like your company is too big to justify outsourcing your marketing. After all, you already have a marketing team in place. Or maybe part of one. Or, they took some marketing classes in college—that counts, right? But just how much are they costing your bottom line? Between salary and benefits, my guess is a pretty penny. And they’re stretched to capacity, perhaps diving into areas in which they aren’t experts.
Recommendations are probably biased, and, let’s face it, you’re not 100% sure if anything is being measured against KPIs.
This is where using an outsourced marketing firm comes into play. And, no, your company is NOT too big or too small to take advantage of marketing outsourcing.
Here’s why.
Whether your company has 5 or 500 employees, outsourced marketing provides you with the marketing competence that your organization may be lacking, right off the bat. You have access to a coordinated team of experts who are great at what they do. They live and breathe marketing (call ‘em creative nerds).
If you’re a small organization you’ll get the boost you need to compete with the big guys, allowing you to focus on what you do best. Larger companies gain more horsepower, insights, and consistency. Outsourced marketing gets your team on track, provides unbiased recommendations, and takes away the pains of hiring, training, and retaining talent, no matter the size of your company. Check out some additional perks here.
You may feel like you’re too big or too small to outsource your marketing—but as “they” say, the proof is in the puddin’. At Outmark®, we’ve helped two-person family businesses be giants in their category. And we’ve also partnered with marketing departments of global companies, providing them additional marketing expertise. We’ve worked with limited budgets and budgets that make us drool.
About Outsource Marketing
Outmark makes growing your (big or small) organization fun by handling the heavy lifting of marketing—and integrating everything seamlessly for you.
Wanna learn more? Schedule a free consultation or take a peek at our work.