What I didn’t share was their groundbreaking subscription model: You pay whatever you want, and 100% of the subscription money goes to charity.
Here’s their promotional copy from their Facebook Group:
If Radiohead Can Do It, So Can We
Yup. Pick your price. Pay what you want: a dollar or more.
It all goes to charity.
And you get GOOD for a year (a subscription was $20 before).
Our goal is to create a collaborative community of individuals, businesses, and non-profits. We feel that the content is the invitation into this community and we didn?t want to make the invitation too expensive.
We thought about what we like and respect, and we decided that what Radiohead did meshed with where our heads are at.
So meet the new model for GOOD.
Hopefully this is an invitation you’ll accept.
Hopefully you’ll find content that turns you on, people who share your mindset, and tools that help you live the valuable life however you see it.
The charity options are:
- Ashoka
- Room to Read
- Teach for America
- 826 National
- Acumen Fund
- Malaria No More
- Slow Food USA
- Kiva
- Hands on Network
- Youth Aids
GOOD says this is a test, so this offer may not last forever.
Get your subscription to GOOD now, and I’ll tell you, while you can pay $1, it’s worth more than just about any other magazine you are currently subscribing to.
So, what do you think of GOOD?
Comment below to share.
Thanks to Freddy Nager, a friend of this blog and purveyor of the excellent Cool Rules Pronto Blog (you gotta love the name). Freddy sent me the copy from the Facebook promo and thought it might be good fodder for this blog. I obviously agreed.