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Gary Vaynerchuk on personal branding

By March 12, 2008August 19th, 20202 Comments

My partner, Eric Anderson, has been urging me to profile host Gary Vaynerchuk since I launched this blog.

An avid wine collector, Eric has watched Vaynerchuk’s video blog since its debut. Vaynerchuk’s energy, authenticity and social media savvy caught Eric’s attention, and a few others as well. Vaynerchuk is now one of the Internet and wine world’s biggest rock stars.

Why should you care? From a personal branding and marketing perspective, Vaynerchuk is doing a lot right.

Last Wednesday, I shared my thoughts regarding personal positioning, a phrase I coined in 1996 to describe the way to build the foundation for personal branding.

Here are Vaynerchuk’s thoughts on the topic:

You gotta love his quote, “You need to differentiate yourself and establish yourself. Don’t buy lists. Make lists.”


Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Patrick,

    Thanks for posting this. It’s interesting to see him speak about something other than wine. He makes some strong points, but he also omits a major factor in this conversation. He is a really, really, really good wine guy. Wide, deep and passionate on the topic of wine. That’s where this all started and the further he strays from that, the more his brand value drops. He used to do his v-blog everyday. As he has become more of a rock-star type he’s able to focus less on the v-blog. Which erodes his core wine-drinking audience. Obviously, he’s picking up more users than he’s losing, I just wonder if some of his audience isn’t looking for the next new thing, or longing for the simpler days. Classic success story I guess.


  • Great point. It’s ironic, isn’t it?

    So many slightly famous people (brands) forget what got ’em there.

    Hopefully he’ll be able to maintain some level of his connection with wine the way some celebrity chefs (like Mario Batali) and others have.

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