Have you ever suffered from a lack of creative flow? You’ve put all of the usual ingredients together: caffeine, your notebook, a comfortable environment… but after 15-30 minutes, you’re staring at your screen, and the voice in your head starts telling you that “you’re not really creative” or “today I’m just not in the zone”, et cetera.
What if you kept pushing through what feels like an initial failure? In a People underestimate the value of persistence for creative performance. by Brian J. Lucas and Loran F. Norgren of Northwestern University, they discovered that the sweet curve of creativity comes after this initial period of idea drought. From their observations:
“Our studies suggest that people may underestimate their creative potential in everyday creative tasks and that people may leave creative ideas on the table by failing to invest in persistence.”
So if the usual ingredients aren’t working, try staying at it a little bit longer. It’s also a good idea to avoid these 10 ways to stifle your creativity, courtesy of Lifehack.
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