Whole brain marketing, and why you need it Responsible Marketing March 27, 2008 Whole brain marketing, and why you need itTake a look at the spinning figure above. Is it spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise for… Patrick Byers 3
Responsible or not? Bayer Corporation Responsible Marketing March 26, 2008 Responsible or not? Bayer CorporationFor generations, Bayer has been a household name in America. Today, the company has over… Patrick Byers 2
Embracing responsibility: It’s gr-r-r-reat! Or is it? Responsible Marketing March 25, 2008 Embracing responsibility: It’s gr-r-r-reat! Or is it?Here's four minutes of junk food advertising aimed at children: Given the above, when cereal… Patrick Byers 1
The Patto Approach: The cure for paralysis by analysis Responsible Marketing March 19, 2008 The Patto Approach: The cure for paralysis by analysisA few years ago, Outsource Marketing fell into a little rut. We suffered from classic… Patrick Byers 3
Your agency is not your brand brandingResponsible Marketing March 18, 2008 Your agency is not your brandDoes your website have a link on the bottom giving credit to the web developer?… Patrick Byers
Results of the Guinness poll funResponsible Marketing March 17, 2008 Results of the Guinness pollYesterday, I shared a little bit of Guinness's less-than-responsible marketing past with you, and asked,… Patrick Byers 1
Should I drink a Guinness today? brandingResponsible Marketing March 17, 2008 Should I drink a Guinness today?St. Patrick's Day on a Monday? Blasphemy! When in Dublin a few years ago, I… Patrick Byers 5
Ad guidelines: Do restrictions hamper creativity? Responsible Marketing March 13, 2008 Ad guidelines: Do restrictions hamper creativity?Would the Internet be a better place if the following types of online ads were… Patrick Byers 0
Responsible or not? Advertising that distracts Responsible Marketing March 11, 2008 Responsible or not? Advertising that distractsAs a marketer, I get frustrated when I see poor targeting, flat creative, lack of… Patrick Byers 2
Personalization v. privacy: Online marketers get too close for comfort Responsible Marketing March 10, 2008 Personalization v. privacy: Online marketers get too close for comfortIt's a sticky subject and it's not going away anytime soon. Some have called personalization… Patrick Byers 1
The responsible way to develop your marketing budget announcementmarketing planningoutsource marketingResponsible Marketing March 7, 2008 The responsible way to develop your marketing budgetIn four conversations last week, I found myself talking about what to think about when… Patrick Byers 2
Personal positioning: Marketing yourself in a brand-oriented world positioningResponsible Marketing March 6, 2008 Personal positioning: Marketing yourself in a brand-oriented worldLast week I spoke at a career fair at the University of Washington. My topic… Patrick Byers 4
Smokes that Al Gore would love? Responsible Marketing March 5, 2008 Smokes that Al Gore would love?Are you a green smoker? Not green from emphysema, but green as in environmentally responsible.… Patrick Byers 4
Liberty Filmore, Cart Whisperer Responsible Marketing March 4, 2008 Liberty Filmore, Cart WhispererLiberty Filmore can't understand it: You know, I don't know what it is in a… Patrick Byers 1
Seth Godin on curiousity (and creativity) Responsible Marketing March 3, 2008 Seth Godin on curiousity (and creativity)Boring marketing is irresponsible. Responsible Marketing puts a premium on creativity. And creativity only happens… Patrick Byers 2
Time to get off Information Island Responsible Marketing February 29, 2008 Time to get off Information IslandYou're a marketer, which means you've got information, lots of information: You are managing data… Patrick Byers 1
Not interested in Blow? Try Meth instead. Responsible Marketing February 28, 2008 Not interested in Blow? Try Meth instead.The response to my post regarding Blow Energy Drink yesterday was a hearty two thumbs… Patrick Byers 4
Update: Lipitor ads featuring Jarvik stunt double pulled Responsible Marketing February 27, 2008 Update: Lipitor ads featuring Jarvik stunt double pulledIn Lipitor Pitchman Jarvik Rows Into the Sunset, The Wall Street Journal reports that after… Patrick Byers 3
Responsible or not? Blow Energy Drink Mix Responsible Marketing February 27, 2008 Responsible or not? Blow Energy Drink MixEnergy drink marketing is kinda like soda pop marketing -- on steroids. And taurine. And… Patrick Byers 11
Twitter me this: Is it time to tweet? Responsible Marketing February 26, 2008 Twitter me this: Is it time to tweet?You've surely heard of Twitter by now . . . the "service for friends, family,… Patrick Byers 1