When promotional marketing goes right brandingfunResponsible Marketing May 12, 2014 When promotional marketing goes rightWhen developing a statement giveaway piece for a client, we always aim for something that… Andrea Moretsky 0
Happy Valentine’s Day. Show us the love and win! brandingdigital marketingfunmarketing communicationsmarketing planningnamingoutsource marketingResponsible Marketing February 12, 2014 Happy Valentine’s Day. Show us the love and win!We are inundated by marketing and advertising every day. But sometimes, just sometimes, we see… Andrea Moretsky 0
Use video to add a new dimension to your marketing brandingmarketing communicationsmarketing outsourcingmarketing planningResponsible Marketing February 3, 2014 Use video to add a new dimension to your marketingVideo may have killed the radio star, but it can also give an important new… Patrick Byers 0
Help! Product placements threw up on my reruns! brandingResponsible Marketing January 20, 2014 Help! Product placements threw up on my reruns!So you think by watching old reruns you might escape the blatant product placements we… Andrea Moretsky 0
Is Motorola the new Southwest Airlines? brandingpositioning January 13, 2014 Is Motorola the new Southwest Airlines?There was a point in time, maybe four to six years ago, when Southwest Airlines… Patrick Byers 0
Shifting from reactive to proactive customer service that sells brandingResponsible Marketing June 26, 2013 Shifting from reactive to proactive customer service that sellsRecently, Software Advice hosted an online debate called: “Is Customer Service the New Marketing?” The… Andrea Moretsky 1
Don’t ask your customer to make creative decisions for you brandingResponsible Marketing June 10, 2013 Don’t ask your customer to make creative decisions for youI'm sure their intentions were good. I was just asked by a company we work… Patrick Byers 0
Nonprofits must differentiate or die brandingpositioningResponsible Marketing April 22, 2013 Nonprofits must differentiate or dieDifferentiate or die. It’s not a fear tactic deployed by marketing agencies to scare the… Patrick Byers 0
Business Cards: The Forgotten Powerhouse of Marketing branding March 10, 2013 Business Cards: The Forgotten Powerhouse of MarketingIn our digital age most people forget that a business card is still a significant… Andrea Moretsky 1
Marketing lingerie to tweens: Responsible or not? brandingResponsible Marketing March 5, 2013 Marketing lingerie to tweens: Responsible or not?Au Revoir Fruit of the Loom. Your plain cotton briefs and boring training bras are… Andrea Moretsky 0
Add positioning to your menu—and hold the carbs brandingpositioning January 30, 2013 Add positioning to your menu—and hold the carbsI wrote this years ago. While my eating habits have changed, my opinion on the… Patrick Byers 2
15 things we learned in 15 years – the hard way announcementbrandingResponsible Marketing January 21, 2013 15 things we learned in 15 years – the hard wayTo commemorate Outsource Marketing’s 15th Anniversary, last fall we decided it might be fun—and a… Patrick Byers 0
The Pepsi vs. Coke social good smackdown brandingResponsible Marketing March 4, 2010 The Pepsi vs. Coke social good smackdownWhen Coke and Pepsi start being judged by their social responsibility as much as their… Patrick Byers 0
Outsource Marketing’s responsible re-brand announcementbrandingoutsource marketing September 15, 2009 Outsource Marketing’s responsible re-brandWe've been evangelizing Responsible Marketing for some time now, so infusing the idea into our… Patrick Byers 0
How Ford made me reconsider my auto buying habits brandingdigital marketingResponsible Marketing May 27, 2009 How Ford made me reconsider my auto buying habitsI've owned dozens of cars, and like a lot of people, most have been Japanese… Patrick Byers 24
Skittles Twitter homepage: Responsible or not? brandingResponsible Marketing March 3, 2009 Skittles Twitter homepage: Responsible or not?Skittles, the chewy, fruit-flavored candy from Mars, Inc. has jumped into social media in an… Patrick Byers 2
A-Rod deals another blow to the MLB brand brandingResponsible Marketing February 10, 2009 A-Rod deals another blow to the MLB brandFew professional athletes have ever been bigger than George Herman "Babe" Ruth. His achievements on… Patrick Byers 6
Is smoking bad for your business? branding February 3, 2009 Is smoking bad for your business?We all know smoking is bad for your health, but is it bad for your… Patrick Byers 6
Marketing, advertising and PR are not equals brandingResponsible Marketing December 23, 2008 Marketing, advertising and PR are not equalsI love and hate this: I love it because of it's simple, it's funny and… Patrick Byers 7
Burger King Flame: Body spray of seduction branding December 19, 2008 Burger King Flame: Body spray of seductionBurger King---fresh from a beating in the blogosphere for their Whopper Virgins campaign---has snapped back.… Patrick Byers 1