Remember when marketing was fun?
Moving beyond the pandemic, companies are increasing their marketing budgets significantly. And why wouldn’t they? It’s creative, it’s strategic, and it’s rewarding as sh*t.
It’s easy to get bogged down in the details that you no longer find it fun. Or maybe your marketing can’t gain traction due to staff turnover, a marketing person suffering from burnout, or just plain busyness. One thing is clear: you need some serious help.
Well, you’re in luck because marketing outsourcing is kind of our jam, and we’re here to tell you exactly why you need it. It’s time to put the fun back into marketing.
What the heck is marketing outsourcing anyway?
Marketing outsourcing takes place when you allow a single external resource or team to take on the responsibility of your marketing. This can include everything from research, analysis, and strategic planning, to the execution of creative content, PR, direct marketing, communications, digital tactics, and even print management.
Outsourcing offers access to an experienced team of marketing specialists that can be scaled to help you achieve your goals. Outsourced marketing firms can work in tandem with existing marketing staff, or with companies that have no marketing department.
Still not sure about it? Let’s break down the ten reasons why marketing outsourcing might be right for you.
1. You’re stretched too thin.
Picture this: it’s a brand new year, and the ideas are flowing. You’ve always wanted to grow your marketing platform, and now is the time. New year, new you, right? The months fly by, and “create a marketing plan” sinks deeper and deeper into that never-ending to-do list. Marketing ideas have never been the problem; you’ve just got sh*t to do!
Marketing outsourcing allows you to tap into an experienced team that can make your vision a reality while you stay focused on the nitty-gritty of growing your business.
2. You want an objective marketing partner.
Traditional marketing firms or specialized vendors are understandably biased toward their discipline. In contrast, marketing outsourcing companies put every channel on the table. Depending on your team’s capabilities and your business objectives, you may just want to outsource strategic planning and creative services and turn your focus on your internal strengths.
When you outsource your marketing, you gain access to an integrated team of experts who provide valuable outside perspectives to your business. And one thing’s for sure, a good outsourced marketing partner will identify the best strategies and tailor tactics for you based on your specific company goals.
3. Managing freelancers and agencies are hard.
Vetting, hiring, and overseeing freelance talent and agencies takes time and effort, which can hold up projects and bog you down in the minutiae. Along with this, trying to manage conflicting personalities who all have their own biases makes it almost impossible to keep everyone on the same page. All this back-and-forth often takes away from the bigger picture: helping your business grow.
Marketing outsourcing connects your entire team through one central point of contact. By working with one key contact, you’ll have more effective communication with your target audience which will save you time (and a big headache).
4. You have a marketing department of one (or zero).
Doing marketing well ain’t easy, and it’s difficult to consistently execute strategies when there are a million other things on your plate. If you’re trying to do it all by yourself, your marketing initiatives may have a hard time getting off the ground floor.
When you consider partnering with an integrated marketing team to plan and execute strategy, you open the door to fresh ideas that have the potential to expand your brand. Outsourcing any of your marketing is beneficial, but the more you outsource to one partner, the more efficient the process becomes. Imagine shared meetings across all projects, integrated campaigns instead of a’la carte projects, and everyone’s on the same page. Booyah.
5. Staff turnover has you playing catch-up.
Maintaining momentum is tough when you lose valued staff. Onboarding, training, and mentoring can set you back months. When you outsource your marketing, turnover is now their problem, not yours. Marketing outsourcing insulates your organization from all the time and costs associated with employee turnover.
6. You’re an ideas person.
You love focusing on the big-picture, but you’re stuck in the weeds. We get it. Turning your ambitious ideas into a reality requires significant time and resources that you may not have.
So when it comes to the design and development of your new website, a total rebrand initiative, or whatever it is you need to ramp up your business goals, consider hiring an outsourced marketing agency. It frees you up to focus less on the day-to-day details and more on your next big idea.
7. You need access to specialized expertise.
Even if you have a high-functioning staff, there are likely gaps in their knowledge that might lead you to consider marketing outsourcing. If you ask someone to do something they don’t typically do, by definition, you’ll have an amateur doing that work. If you want to explore social media, paid search, SEO, or mobile development, you don’t want to spin your wheels. Whatever the need, having a team that fills all the gaps makes all the difference.
8. You want a more predictable budget.
If you’ve been doing your marketing in fits and starts due to cashflow constraints, consider that some outsourced marketing agencies can standardize costs. This can be accomplished by spreading invoices over the term of the engagement even if projects happen only in specific months. Or, if your problem is that you want marketing expertise but can’t afford to hire an in-house team, outsourcing can provide the talent without the HR costs.
We know that marketing efforts as a whole can be unpredictable. Running Google Ads and boosting social posts can start to feel like a waste of time and money when you’re not seeing quick results.
Change your mindset and put your outsourced team in a position to set you up for success. How? By viewing marketing as an investment in your company’s growth and not a pesky expense.
9. You want strategic horsepower.
A good marketing outsourcing firm brings a hell of a lot of experience. The best part is… it’s all about you and your business goals.
So pay attention to their client list and review all their work examples to see if they’ll be a good fit. If their portfolio doesn’t inspire you, there’s little chance their work will, either. The right match will sharpen your strategy, take your brand to the next level, and ensure best practices, regardless of your industry.
10. Marketing can (and should) be fun.
With all the moving parts required for an effective strategy and streamlined execution, marketing can start to feel like a drag. But once you prioritize marketing and give those strategies a little TLC, you’re off to the races. With the right outsourced marketing partner, you can rediscover the creativity, ease, and, yes, fun of good marketing.